Restructurarea este cuvântul de ordine în 2025, iar IT-iştii sunt primii pe listă. De la prosecco la birou şi salarii de mii de euro acum corporatiştii vor trebui să înfrunte realitatea tăierilor de salarii şi concedierilor, anunță Ziarul Financiar.
The main idea of the text is that restructuring will be a major trend in 2025, leading to salary cuts and layoffs, especially in the IT sector.
The article highlights that the economic climate will be more cautious in 2025, forcing companies to make difficult decisions, seemingly reversing the recent trends of high salaries and perks.
The main idea of the text is that restructuring will be a major trend in 2025, leading to salary cuts and layoffs, especially in the IT sector. The article highlights that the economic climate will be more cautious in 2025, forcing companies to make difficult decisions, seemingly reversing the recent trends of high salaries and perks.